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Supreme over the years have focussed for the most part on collaborating with A-List art stars from Baldessari to Hirst on their seasonal board releases a move only made possible by the enviable weight the brand holds as a bastion of what’s cool both in and out of its area of cultural influence (odd mis-step not withstanding, cough – Lady Gaga – cough) and its founder James Jebbia’s obviously longstanding affair with the contemporary arts.

Enter their Fall/Winter range of boards with the UK brothers come art stars Lakovos “Jake” Chapman and Konstantinos “Dinos” Chapman Aka the Chapman Brothers with this series of five focusing on works from early in the brothers careers such as Fuck Face (1994) and the Chapman Family Collection (2002) expect these in-store and online from October 11th in NY, LA and London with Japan releasing the collection from October 13.